Architecture Review


Resolving poor scalability and flexibility issues

Identifying enterprise architecture risk and measure an organisations architecture landscape

CARG consultants provide an independent assessment of how the enterprise and information technology (IT) architecture aligns with the business objective.

We identify enterprise architecture risk and measure an organisation's architecture landscape against an agreed set of criteria which are business or industry-specific requirements.

In this review, our consultants cover the development, acquisition and implementation of IT architecture and associated operational practices to ensure alignment and efficiency. We have successfully undertaken IT architecture reviews for a number of our clients.

Resolving poor scalability and flexibility issues

The potential business drivers for the development and implementation of a certain architecture is

Limitation of the classic architecture
● Resolve poor scalability and flexibility issues

Competitive Advantage
● Resolve barriers to entry issues

Enterprise architecture key to supporting business goals and objectives

Business Strategy
● Globalisation
● Cloud
● Consumerization (BYOD)

Why review your architecture
● IT / Enterprise architecture is key to supporting business goals and objectives
● Identify gas and areas of concern or improvement
● Optimise return on IT investment